September 2023
The purpose of the policy and procedures document is to ensure that the operational activities of the HLBC are undertaken in accordance with the club Bylaws, Lawn Bowling Association of Alberta, and the Alberta Societies Act, and that club activities are managed in a clear and consistent manner.
The Club activities include:
Signing Authority
Four board members (President, Treasurer, Secretary and one Director) will be designated as signing authorities. Transactions require a minimum of two signatures.
Accessing the facility – assignment of passcodes and keys
The Highlands Community League assigns the code for the club room. All board members have the passcodes and access to the keys for the club room, gate, and storage sheds. Passcodes are given to board members at the spring board meeting. The greenskeeper also has passcodes and keys. Duplicate keys are kept in the locker.
Organizing jitneys (social bowl)
Programming will be organized by the Board at the start of each season. Members participate on an ad hoc basis, and teams are formed through a draw. Any member can be the drawmaster.
Assessing membership fees for juniors
Fees for junior members (up to age 18) are addressed in the HLBC Bylaws, Article 3.1.1
Financial Assistance
Members who are experiencing financial hardship may apply to the club for assistance with membership fees.
Registering members with Lawn Bowling Association of Alberta (LBAA)
HLBC members complete membership forms and pay fees to the HLBC. The HLBC ensures that its members are also members of the LBAA. One copy of the completed membership form is for the member, one copy is for the HLBC Treasurer, and one copy is for the HLBC Secretary. The Secretary or designate enters the members in the LBAA online membership data base. The Treasurer remits the HLBC club fee and the per member fee to the LBAA.
Lending lawn bowls and other equipment
- Use of club bowls by HLBC members
Fully paid up members shall have use of the club bowls during the operating season for all jitneys, lessons, practices and special events held at the Club greens.
Use of bowls by members shall be on a first-come, first-served basis and no member shall consider a set of bowls to be for their exclusive use.
All bowls are to be returned to the racks after each use, unless on loan as outlined in section 2 – Loan of Bowls to Members.
All bowls will be inventoried at the end of September and must therefore be in the racks at that time.
2. Loan of bowls to HLBC members
A member may have a set of bowls on loan for a maximum of 4 days for the purposes of interclub events or competitions.
If a member visits another club for casual bowling, that member is required to use the bowls provided at the club they are visiting.
Bowls will not be loaned out over the winter – any member participating in another club during that time is required to use the bowls provided by that club or purchase their own set.
A member of the HLBC Board must authorize the sign out of bowls on loan.
3. Procedure to sign out bowls
A member is required to ask a Board Member to sign out the bowls they wish to have on loan.
The tray from the bowls is to be returned to the rack, so the member borrowing bowls will need to bring a sturdy bag in which to carry the bowls.
The Board Member will fill in the form in the sign out book with all the required information, including return date (4 days from sign out date).
On return the member will ask a Board Member to verify their return, sign the bowls back in and put them to the appropriate tray in the racks.
If, due to extenuating circumstances, the member is unable to return the bowls on time, they must contact a Board Member or have another member of the Club return them on their behalf.
4. Consequences if bowls are not returned
Members who do not return the bowls will be contacted and reminded to return the bowls. If bowls are still not returned, the Board will send a registered letter to the member advising that the bowls must returned, or the member will be charged the replacement cost. Should the member not return the bowls or pay replacement cost within 30 days, the member will no longer be in good standing with HLBC and the Lawn Bowling Association of Alberta will be notified.
Any exceptions to the above must be approved by the Board.
Renting the bowling green and equipment
The Highlands Lawn Bowling greens can accommodate 36 bowlers for family, corporate or school event. The following are included in the rental:
- Two hours of time on our green
- Use of equipment, including bowls for each player
- Introduction to the game and how to play it
- Access to washrooms and outdoor patio
- Assistance from club volunteers
The club does not have catering facilities; however, renters are welcome to bring picnics, snacks and refreshments.
All bowlers are required to wear flat-soled shoes, such as running shoes, skate shoes, or flat sandals.
Dress is casual – whites are not required.
Bookings are subject to availability of greens and volunteers. Bookings are made by completing and submitting the form on the club website. Bookings are accepted for rentals between June 1 and mid-September.
Rental fees are $10/person for non-profit organizations and schools (minimum charge is $100) and $20/person for corporations (minimum charge is $200). Rental fees can be paid by etransfer to, cash, or cheque at the event. Invoicing can also be arranged.
In the event of a cancellation, a minimum of 48 hours notice must be given for refund of deposit. Cancellations must be sent to ‘No shows’ will be invoiced for the minimum rental fee.
Final payment is to be paid on the day of the event. Signed insurance waivers are required for all participants. HLBC reserves the right to cancel rentals due to weather or greens condition, and deposit will be refunded.
Managing club records
The Secretary maintains copies of meeting minutes, HLBC policy and procedures, photos, and membership lists. The Treasurer maintains all financial records including the inventory of equipment owned, greenskeeper job description, and contracts. Hard copies of all documents should be kept in the club room filing cabinet (locked).
Protecting the privacy and confidentiality of members
The Board will not release the personal information of any member without that individual’s permission. Private and personal information discussed by the Board will not be shared. Members’ personal information is stored in a locked cabinet. Appropriate security measures will be used when destroying records, including shredding paper records and permanently deleting electronic records.
Ensuring that board members are not in a ‘conflict of interest’ position
The Board will not hire members to undertake club work. No board member will make a decision which advantages them monetarily.
Hiring necessary expertise
Hiring needed expertise (eg greenskeeper, mechanic, etc.) will be at the Board’s discretion. Board members (in their roles on the subcommittees) will do the research and bring the information to the Board for a decision.
Coaching program
The HLBC coaching program is at the discretion of the Board. All members are entitled to free coaching. New members are encouraged to participate in introductory lessons.
Invoicing procedures
The Treasurer will inform board members of the information required from vendors for payment. Company name, company address, description of service or product, and total price are standard requirements.
Contributing financially to members’ participation in competitions and events
The HLBC will provide financial assistance to members who wish to travel to competitions, subject to the following:
- The individual is an active member in good standing with HLBC.
- The individual is a member of a Highlands team representing the club in a Bowls Alberta Tournament.
- The member has qualified to participate in an outdoor lawn bowling tournament sanctioned by the provincial or national Lawn Bowling body.
- The tournament to be participated in is being held more than 150 km from the City of Edmonton.
- The HLBC budget for assistance for travel will be limited to $2,000 per annum but the amount of financial assistance shall not exceed $250 for a single request and a member will be limited to one request per year.
- For competitions within Alberta, expenses will be reimbursed based on original receipts, up to a maximum of $500. Eligible expenses include mileage, accommodation for nights associated with the tournament, and up to two meals (no alcohol) that are not provided as part of the tournament. Mileage claims must be based on original receipts or .25/km, whichever is less.
- For competitions outside Alberta, the participant member must complete an Alberta Gaming and Liquor Commission (AGLC) “Travel Itinerary Form” which is then to be signed by the President and Treasurer and submitted to the AGLC for approval before funds are released. Financial assistance will only be available if funding is approved by AGLC and funds are available in the HLBC casino account.
Storing Personal Items
Lockers are available for HLBC members who wish to store their lawn bowling equipment at the club. Members must bring their own lock. The club is not responsible for loss or damage for any personal items stored on site at the HLBC grounds and buildings.